The balletbarre syllabus for each level is designed to help dancers develop their technique safely, in order to prevent injuries. Forcing flexibility or strength components before a dancer’s body is ready can have serious long-term effects examples of this are gymnastics, sports and much more. 

Other factors in consideration as part of the process are maturity level, comprehension, capability, attention span, motor skills and coordination. Exams are compulsory as students may move up before they’re ready which can actually risk delays with progression and cause long term injury.

Balletbarre Examinations consist of 2 examiners for each exam except for the Oliver Seal, which will have a panel of industry professionals. 2 x Examiners are required because of the nature of the balletbarre syllabus.  Examiners will not only examine technique, but also core strength, alignment and biomechanics of the body and all of the other requirements.  

The duel examiner system ensures well-rounded and fair assessment of the participants.  Exams are designed to motivate and encourage students of all ages, levels and abilities through a systematic measurement of progress and attainment.

General Requirements 

  • Uniform - must have MDS balletbarre uniform

  • All No Jewellery or nail polish is allowed the correct uniform must be worn otherwise the student cannot enter the exam room. 

  • Make-up is not permitted until senior professional levels

Uniform Requirements



Ballet Foundation levels - Black MDS balletbarre leotard (Lace inserts and MDS logo), Black stretch lace skirt (with red waistband), Pink/flesh Ballet tights and Pink/flesh split sole canvas ballet shoes and red bow in hair (all available from our shop).

Senior Professional levels - Black MDS balletbarre leotard (Lace inserts and MDS logo), Black stretch lace skirt (with red waistband), black pancake tutu base (worn under skirt), Pink/flesh Ballet tights and Pink/flesh split sole canvas ballet shoes and red bow in hair (all available from our shop).

Boys all levels - black dance pants and red MDS balletbarre razer back T-shirt and black split sole canvas ballet shoes (all available from our shop). 


Girls hair must be in a bun at the top of the head red bow below bun and no fringes short hair gelled back with the red bow uniform head band. All stockings must have no ladders and clothing in good clean condition..

Boys hair must be pulled back in tight low pony tail no fringe short hair neat and tidy.  


All exam entrants must be at the exam venue at least half an hour prior to the scheduled examination time to warm up/prepare and put their numbers on.

Complete Silence mandatory upon arrival and during the exam. 

Students must go to the toilet before exam, as there are no toilets breaks in exam. 

Conduct in exam

Touching any part of the uniform during an exam (includes shoes or hair), will result in instant failure. If any hair falls out, a shoe comes off etc, the examiner will allow the student to adjust the problem but a loss of marks will occur.

It is imperative that silence near the exam room is kept so the students in the exam room are not put under difficulties from noise distraction.

Students must carry water bottles in the right hand, placed in the centre of the body between the ribs. The bottles are then to be placed in the shelves at the back of the studio. 

The student will be marked as soon as they enter the exam room until the moment they exit.

If a student has allergies they must let staff know so – the examiners will allow tissues tucked into the top of the leotard or dance pants during the exam.